Sunday, November 7, 2010

Traveling Fruit: The Day in the Life of a Florida Grapefruit

October 17, 2010


  1. I love this!

    Like a microcosm of your life, as shown in the perspective of a piece of fruit accompanying you. These photos can give someone who doesn't know you at all at pretty accurate glimpse of what you do on a day-to-day basis. It definitely gives the impression that you strive to be healthy and active, both in terms of your mind and your body. It inspires me to get outside and do something good for myself (and someone else!) :)

  2. This makes me think about how nice it must be to travel as a fruit. It's kind of like having a different species give you a tour guide of their life. If I were a fruit, i'd want to make sure that I picked someone that was not very hungry or lame. Like, maybe if a Rock STar picked me up after an all you can eat buffet, i'd totally be along for the ride. It's all fun and games, until the indefinite CHOMP CHOMP. What a way to spread your seeds.

  3. Hey! I love the idea of the traveling fruit. From a visual perspective I love that this piece of fruit is brightly colored, because it helps me find it in each image . I think it would be fun to do this project with my students. I think , though, that I would have them turn the photos all b&w except for the grapefruit or traveling object.
    Also, in these photos I think of the grapefruit to be symbollic of you. The grapefruit can be bitter, sweetened, it is colorful, and bold.
